Human trafficking
Every day, the Travel & Tourism sector is unwittingly used for human trafficking as traffickers transport their victims on planes, trains and buses and book hotel rooms to exploit vulnerable individuals. Given the sector’s inadvertent position in the path of human traffickers, it has a role and responsibility to protect the individuals it serves, transports, accommodates, and employs; and is in a unique position to make a difference.
During 2020, COVID-19 dramatically exacerbated this global challenge with a rise in extreme poverty and in unemployment, with many men and women out of work, and many children out of school, making families and children more vulnerable than ever. In this context, it is essential that the sector come together to share and implement tangible solutions to end this global crime. As a sector, Travel & Tourism has the power and ability to counteract and to help prevent human trafficking.
Given the importance of this issue and the dedication of many World Travel & Tourism Council (WTTC) Member organisations to end human trafficking, WTTC formed a Human Trafficking Taskforce which was launched at the 2019 Global Summit in Seville, Spain. To help eradicate human trafficking, the Taskforce developed an action framework that focuses on awareness-raising, education and training, advocacy, and support.